Wednesday, March 6, 2013

IN DEFENSE OF THE REALM: Ladyhawke (1985)

Lately I've been on a bit of a classic movie kick. I kind of got into it when I reviewed "Willow", so I decided to search out some more of the maybe more obscure ones. Some of them well before my time some of them from when I was but a lad. So without further ado, Ladyhawke.

Honestly what first brought my attention to this movie was the cover..."Is that Ferris Bueller?" It damn sure is. The year before Matthew Broderick would become a cultural phenomenon with his cult classic "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" he stared in this movie alongside Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer. Broderick plays Phillipe Gaston a talented and quick witted thief also known as "the Mouse" The film opens with a scene setting up the story, the church is corrupt and the people are suffering. I have to admit while it didnt stop me from enjoying the movie, I think this plot device is VERY overused. I totally understand that history dictates that the church was (and for the most part still is) horrifyingly corrupt, but this has been used so many times its almost a genre onto itself. Anyway I digress, One of the guards is looking for Phillipe (Broderick) to escort him to his execution, but he is no where to be found, and we see how he gets his nickname "the Mouse" it would seem he has the unique ability to squeeze through small spaces (insert off color humor here..hehe...insert.) and is very quick on his feet. He makes his way through the sewer system and out to freedom. It would appear that young Phillipe is the first man in history to escape the dungeons of Aquila. The Bishop is most displeased about this escape and sends his captain of the guards to hunt him down.  

 Inevitably the gaurds catch up to Mouse and  are about to kill him when he is saved by, Etienne of Navarre (Hauer)

 Etienne believes that since mouse escaped Aquila, that he can help Etienne infiltrate it so that he can slay the bishop. The movie has some interestign plot twists that I dont want to spoil. We find out that The bishop, through a deal with the devil, put a curse on Etienne and his love and the only way to break the curse it to slay the bishop. The plot device used to keep the lovers apart is both cruel and genius. I would highly recomend this movie to any lovers of fantasy.

I give this movie one lady killer Rutger Hauer which is the highest honor one could achieve.

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